List Forms API Dropping a lot of Columns

Dear Team,

I have been using the List Forms API to download commcare data and it has been working well. However recently I realized that the API is dropping a lot of columns.

Kindly help.

Hi @JaneIgoki, sorry to hear it!

Do you have an example of which columns are being dropped, and in what scenario? This will help us better understand the issue.



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Dear Farid,

Thanks for reaching out, I really appreciate it!
This url:

Is dropping roughly 48 columns as shown below:

Thanks again for your support!

Kind regards,

Hi Jane,

If the form submission doesn't contain those properties (e.g. if the question wasn't answered or didn't meet the display condition), it won't be shown. You can see examples of individual form submissions in the Submit History report.

For other metadata properties, you can find most of these in the meta block in the API response:

completed_time: "meta.timeEnd"
formid: "meta.instanceID"
hq_user: "meta.userID"
received_on: "received_on"
