[annoucement] CloudCare, Subcases, and more

Hi all,

It's been a long time since we've made an announcement, but we've been
busy. Below are the latest updates you can find on CommCare HQ. We hope you
find these changes useful!


We are very excited to announce the beta release of CloudCare - our
CommCare client for the web. CloudCare gives you all of the data collection
and case management functionality of CommCare mobile, but optimized and
designed specifically for the web. You can now use CloudCare to have your
workforce do direct data entry in their web browsers. Read more on getting
setup and the known limitations on our

Report Enhancements

HQ Reports have a couple new improvements: Each report should now be more
responsive in situations where the Internet connection is not ideal. We
have added a proper loading indicator while loading the report data, and the
report now loads faster when you update the filters. All the "Monitor
Workers" reports can now be exported to Excel, providing additional ways
for you to analyze CommCare data.

2.0 UI

For those of you already using CommCare 2.0, we've added Child Cases to the
app builder on CommCare HQ, which can be used to form mother-child
relationships. This means you can open a case into another module (e.g. if
you want the "birth" form in the Pregnancy module to open a "child" case in
the Child module). As of now they cannot access each other's case
properties, though we will be working on that functionality. To check it
out, view the Case Configuration for a form in your 2.0 app, and click
"Opens a case for a different case list". We hope you enjoy this long
awaited feature!

Vellum Fixes

We've also been making a series of fixes to our form designer, also known
as Vellum. Here are some of the things that have been fixed recently:

  • Fix bug that showed stale warnings in your logic expressions
  • Show all logic warnings in the form instead of just the first one.
  • Default logic properties section to being visible.
  • Will no longer add your data nodes inside groups and repeats, always
    sticks them at the end of the form.
  • Will now update logic expressions when moving questions in and out of
    groups and repeats
  • Disabled multiple images/audio prompts for a single question.

Happy summer,
The CommCare HQ team

ยทยทยท -- As always, this announcement is permanently available on our CommCare HQ Updates blog: http://commcarehq.posterous.com/